High-Processed-Food Diet Linked to Near 30% Increase in Cognitive Impairment/Decline - Shocking New Study:

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Are you a fan of processed foods, like deep-dish-pizza, burgers and fries? Well, a new study has found that consuming too much of these types of foods can harm your brain power, specifically in the areas of decision-making and information processing.

The study followed over 10,000 adults in Brazil over a period of up to 10 years and found that those who ate the most ultraprocessed foods had a 28 percent faster rate of global cognitive decline and a 25% more rapid rate of executive function decline compared to those who ate the least amount.

Some of you may think this study doesn't prove a cause and effect, but hear me out. While the study doesn't prove a direct cause, the results are significant enough to suggest that consuming too much of these foods probably isn't good for your brain.

But here's the good news, there is a way to minimize the negative impact of processed foods on your brain. Maintaining a brain healthy diet high in whole fruits, veggies, whole grains, and healthy protein sources can offset the harmful effects of processed foods on your brain.

In other words, it's not just about avoiding processed foods but also about nourishing your body and brain with the proper nutrients. So, if you want to take charge of your brain health and keep it sharp, consider making a few changes to your diet and start incorporating more whole, nutrient-rich foods.

Remember, as always, you are in control of your health and life. And by taking small steps to improve your nutrition, you can significantly improve your brain health and boost your cognitive performance as a result!

Hope that helps! - David.
